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IFI Introduction
Maternity Insurance
Professional Services
Surrogate Life/Surrogate Accidental Death
Surrogate Disability Insurance
IVF Complications Insurance
Insurance Plans for Intended Parents & Newborn

IFI Introduction

Welcome to IFI

Insurance can be complicated. With so many options and policies to choose from, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. That’s where IFI comes in to help. We are experts in the field to help guide you on your insurance needs for surrogacy and egg donation. We help you find the best policies for your needs and budget. Contact us today to learn more.

Maternity Insurance

Maternity Insurance – ACA Services

By purchasing an Affordable Care Act (ACA) Insurance policy for your surrogate, you will have access to comprehensive healthcare coverage including prenatal care, delivery and post-partum care. Our dedicated team is here to ensure your surrogate’s policy has been properly evaluated for coverage, and we will help her get enrolled during open enrollment months. Contact us today to learn more.

Maternity Insurance – ACA Additional Services Options

Contact us to learn more about IFI’s additional comprehensive services to go along with your surrogate’s ACA health insurance plan. Service level add on’s include premium payment monitoring, having a dedicated rep for questions on coverage, and full-service medical billing management of maternity related bills.

IFI Surrogacy Maternity Plan

With IFI’s Surrogacy Maternity Plan, you can rest assured that your surrogate is covered for any routine prenatal care and medical complications. Navigating the world of insurance for surrogacy can be overwhelming, that’s why we’re here to help. Contact us today to learn more.

Maternity Insurance – Secondary (Back-Up)

Change in location of the surrogate or her family, loss of employer coverage, or a misinterpretation of the primary coverage could cause your surrogates first insurance plan to fail to cover. We have solutions for maternity coverage as a secondary or ‘back-up’ option. Contact us to learn more.

Professional Services

Local Monitoring Management

Starting a family is an exciting journey, but it can also be a stressful one, especially when you are going through the IVF cycle. Coordinating appointments and monitoring visits in your surrogate’s home state can be overwhelming. IFI has a way to simplify this process with Local Monitoring Management. With this service, IFI will locate and coordinate the set up and registration for your surrogate at a clinic or hospital local to her. There is an ever-changing landscape of clinics who are able to offer appointments to your surrogate, and IFI has a comprehensive database of fully vetted locations. Contact us today to learn more.

Surrogate Medical Billing Management

Surrogacy can be overwhelming, especially when you’re already dealing with the emotional and financial stress of the journey. With this service, you can have dedicated medical billing specialists who will manage all of your surrogate’s medical bills and insurance claims. Contact us today to learn more.

Professional Liability & Other Business Insurance

As a business owner, you work hard to provide the best services to your clients. But what happens if something goes wrong? If your client feels that your services have caused them harm or financial loss, they may sue you for damages. That’s where we come in. Our professional liability insurance is designed to protect your business from claims of negligence, errors, or omissions. With our coverage, you can have peace of mind knowing that your business and reputation are protected from unexpected legal expenses and damages. Contact us today to learn more.

Surrogate Accidental Death and Term Life Insurance

Surrogate Accidental Death & Relations Options

Our surrogate accidental death insurance is designed to provide financial protection for the surrogate’s family in the event of her accidental death. With our coverage, you can have peace of mind knowing that her family will be take care of if the unexpected happens. Contact us today to learn more.

Surrogate Term Life Insurance

In some states, you may be required to use a Term Life insurance policy for the surrogate should she pass away during the surrogacy journey. Contact us today to learn more about your options for term life insurance.

Surrogate Disability Insurance

Surrogate Disability Insurance – Bedrest

Bed rest can be necessary to protect the health of the surrogate and the baby, but it can also be a financial burden. That’s why we offer insurance for maternity bed rest. You can rest easy knowing that you’re covered for unexpected medical expenses, lost wages and other costs like childcare and housekeeping. Contact us today to learn more.

Surrogate Disability Insurance – Hospital Indemnity

We provide peace of mind coverage for lost wages, childcare, housekeeping or other contractual obligations should your surrogate become hospitalized due to pregnancy complications. Contact us to learn more.

IVF Complications Insurance

Egg Donor IVF Complications Insurance

Contact us today to learn more about IVF complication insurance for your egg donor. Coverage includes adverse reaction to medications, treatment of complications due ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), emergency room care and more. Let us protect you and your finances with IVF complications insurance.

Surrogate IVF Complications Insurance

Contact us today to learn more about IVF complication insurance. Coverage includes adverse reaction to medications, ectopic pregnancy complications, and more. Let us protect you and your finances with IVF complications insurance.

Insurance Plans for Intended Parents & Newborn

Travel Insurance

Traveling for your surrogacy is an exciting adventure, but it’s important to be prepared for the unexpected. Our coverage includes travel medical complications and trip cancellation. Contact us today to learn more.

Newborn Insurance Overview

With this insurance you can rest easy knowing that your baby is protected from unexpected medical expenses, hospitalization in the NICU, and other emergencies. Contact us today to learn more about newborn insurance for intended parents.

Newborn Negotiation & Medical Billing Management

Newborn medical bills can be confusing and difficult to manage, especially when you’re already adjusting to life with a newborn baby. Our medical billing management service is designed to simplify your life, reduce costs and take the stress out of managing your newborn’s medical bills. Contact us today to learn more.

Insurance Coverage Levels Sample

An easy guide to insurance levels of coverage with costs.

Intended Parent Resource Guide

Download our Intended Parent Resource Guide.

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